Saturday, December 19, 2009

I just can't keep it to myself

My mom, like the guy in this story has decided to invade my personal choices with her own opinion. She has started a campaign of sprinkling holy water on me now...

Its fun seeing her give me gods blessing and drawing the cross on my forehead; often times I struggle against the urge of playing some prank on her, like yelling: It Burns, It Burns!. I strongly suspect she'd fall to the floor and pray, my lord forgive him, my lord save him. Or something less dramatical, like fake a small wince, and have her spray a little more, and hug me. and then play around with that; but hey, I choose not to, specially since God would punish me if I did.

As a closing argument; an 18 year old boy speaks on why he has chosen to ignore faith: MilenaC


Ayi :) said...

te creería si te quemaras...:P

Unknown said...

jajajajajajaja.... you-are-mean! LOL!
Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be! The woman loves you and, really.. what have you got to loose? Is just water :P

(hey, if steam starts bursting out of you - a la Al Pacino when he touched the fountain on the Devil's Advocate - you may get a priest on you, or better yet an actual exorcist!.... and if he looks like Keanu Reeves, PLEASE call me!)


Ven, escápate conmigo! Por hoy, llévame donde quieras; pero hoy; regalame tu día Invitame a tus antojos Brindame tu sonrisa y Mírame a ...